

auto-autofs.rc.local - Local configuration file for the auto-autofs manpage



Debug level. Set to 3 to get debug messages.


Give devices an alias.

Syntax: (``device'',``alias'', ...)


Don't use/show this devices.

Syntax: ('device', ['description','unused'], ...)


Support for command like Eject/Umount (see %local::commands).

Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable

$local::create_symlinks (removed in 1.3)

(see %conf::device_options in the auto-autofs.rc manpage).


$local::fstab (changes in 1.2)

Absolut file name of fstab.

$local::mtab (new in 1.2)

Absolut file name of mtab.


List of path's where loop back images stored.

Syntax: ('path', ... )

Leave empty to disable.


Check this file types for loopback devices. types are configured in %conf::device_options. (see %conf::device_options in the auto-autofs.rc manpage)

Syntax: ('types',...)


Should the HTML file show icons ?

Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable


Show Buttons instead of links, to avoid mounting through roll-over effects in Konquoror.

Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable.


Path to icons from KDE2. You can download this icons from This prefix is set before all other icon paths.

$local::favicon (new in 0.9)

Name of favicon or shortcut icon.

$local::html (changes in 0.9)

Absolut name of the created HTML index file.

$local::links (changes in 0.9.1)

Absolut name of the created LINKS file.

$local::programs (changes in 0.7)

Path and parameters for the following programs: fdisk, rm and modprobe.

%local::commands (changes in 0.6)

List of commands.

Syntax: (``command'','program', ...)

The string program would be executed, when the automounter tries to access to something like this: /mnt/entry~command

The following variables exists:

will be replaced with device name (for example: /dev/hda1)

will be replaced with entry name (for example: part)

$local::zip_partition (changes in 0.7)

Default zip partition number (1 or 4). Only necessery if zip detection is without fdisk.


Command for searching floppy string. Should return something like: ``Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M, fd1 is 1.2M''


Standard filesystem option. All filesystem will use this options.


Some spezial filesystem options, for frequently used fs.

@local::fs_entry (changes in 1.0)

Some ready entries for frequently used file systems.

Syntax: [['name','options','icon']]


Here you can add some spezial entries, like network entries. For nfs: server is the name of the nfs server.

Syntax: (``entry'', ['description','unused', ['model','icon'], [['device',``fs type'','mount options', 'server',create_symlink], ... ]], ...)

If create_symlink set to 1 and %local::create_symlinks is also set to 1 then symbolic links will be created. (see %local::create_symlinks)


%local::default_entries = ( # ``c'' , ['c on server','', # ['Network Connection (SMB)','devices/nfs_unmount.png'], # [['//',``smbfs'',$local::smb_options,'',0]]], # ``d'' , ['d on server','', # ['Network Connection (SMB)','devices/nfs_unmount.png'], # [['//',``smbfs'',$local::smb_options,'',0]]], # ``nfstest'' , ['test on server','', # ['Network Connection (NFS)','devices/nfs_unmount.png'], # [['/test',``nfs'','','server',0]]], );


some kernel modules should be loaded.

Syntax: "B<module> ...";

$local::create_kde_lnks (new in 0.6)

Create .desktop files for Konqueror dirtree. Please take a look in the README file how to use it.

Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable

$local::kde_dirtree (new in 0.6)

Path to konqueror dirtree/devices. Please take a look in the README file how to use it.

$local::use_kde_images (new in 0.9)

Do you use KDE-Icons? When set to 1 then the path and the extension will be removed in *.desktop files.

Syntax: 0 no, 1 yes


Peter Korf, <>.


the auto-autofs manpage, the auto-autofs.rc manpage.
