auto-autofs.rc.local |
auto-autofs.rc.local - Local configuration file for the auto-autofs manpage
Debug level. Set to 3 to get debug messages.
Give devices an alias.
Syntax: (``device'',``alias'', ...)
Don't use/show this devices.
Syntax: ('device', ['description','unused'], ...)
Support for command like Eject/Umount (see %local::commands).
Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable
(see %conf::device_options in the auto-autofs.rc manpage).
Absolut file name of fstab.
Absolut file name of mtab.
List of path's where loop back images stored.
Syntax: ('path', ... )
Leave empty to disable.
Check this file types for loopback devices. types are configured in %conf::device_options. (see %conf::device_options in the auto-autofs.rc manpage)
Syntax: ('types',...)
Should the HTML file show icons ?
Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable
Show Buttons instead of links, to avoid mounting through roll-over effects
in Konquoror
Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable.
Path to icons from KDE2. You can download this icons from This prefix is set before all other icon paths.
Name of favicon or shortcut icon.
Absolut name of the created HTML index file.
Absolut name of the created LINKS file.
Path and parameters for the following programs:
, rm
and modprobe
List of commands.
Syntax: (``command'','program', ...)
The string program would be executed, when the automounter tries to access to something like this: /mnt/entry~command
The following variables exists:
Default zip partition number (1 or 4). Only necessery if zip detection is without fdisk.
Command for searching floppy string. Should return something like: ``Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M, fd1 is 1.2M''
Standard filesystem option. All filesystem will use this options.
Some spezial filesystem options, for frequently used fs.
Some ready entries for frequently used file systems.
Syntax: [['name','options','icon']]
Here you can add some spezial entries, like network entries. For nfs: server is the name of the nfs server.
Syntax: (``entry'', ['description','unused', ['model','icon'], [['device',``fs type'','mount options', 'server',create_symlink], ... ]], ...)
If create_symlink set to 1 and %local::create_symlinks is also set to 1 then symbolic links will be created. (see %local::create_symlinks)
%local::default_entries = ( # ``c'' , ['c on server','', # ['Network Connection (SMB)','devices/nfs_unmount.png'], # [['//',``smbfs'',$local::smb_options,'',0]]], # ``d'' , ['d on server','', # ['Network Connection (SMB)','devices/nfs_unmount.png'], # [['//',``smbfs'',$local::smb_options,'',0]]], # ``nfstest'' , ['test on server','', # ['Network Connection (NFS)','devices/nfs_unmount.png'], # [['/test',``nfs'','','server',0]]], );
some kernel modules should be loaded.
Syntax: "B<module> ...";
Create .desktop files for Konqueror dirtree. Please take a look in the README file how to use it.
Syntax: 0 disable, 1 enable
Path to konqueror dirtree/devices. Please take a look in the README file how to use it.
Do you use KDE-Icons? When set to 1 then the path and the extension will be removed in *.desktop files.
Syntax: 0 no, 1 yes
Peter Korf, <>.
the auto-autofs manpage, the auto-autofs.rc manpage.
auto-autofs.rc.local |